Sunday, February 19, 2006

winnie the poohs

who here collects peek-a-poohs?i do.i have seven! the parot,the monkey,the giraffethe kangaroo,the hippo,the cheetah,and the cat.
i know......... that was sooo random.
well i needed to write about SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, February 17, 2006


guess what. I GOT A NEW PUPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
itsa multiz.its small and white and soooooo cute.we havent decided on a name yet but we like... Kugel,Pitsel, and Punum. they are yiddish. pitsel means tiny, and punum means cute face.
well thats all for now!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

LOL funny

the funniest thing happend at lunch today.
my friend was pretending to pour perrle on a guys head.she was joking but it axadentlly driped onto his head!!! we all started laughing when he started to rub it in! he thought it felt good so he asked me for some foamy good-smelling soap. so i gave it to him and he started rubing it in! then all the other boys asked me for some and they ALL started rubing it in!
so i guess you're laughing by now!